Kraken-like Projective defences

We all face stress and anxiety. Isn't it? Let me begin with an example.

At times I do spend time without thinking, for which I am still being checked. So, one day I went to the mall, and there were those alluring long earrings that were calling me. However I tried to ignore it, it would show me its elegance, and I finally bought it. When I reached home, I quietly slipped in and put my earrings in my wardrobe. After a few months, when no one noticed it, I put it on and elegantly roamed about without getting a scolding. 

We all plan and plot such escapes on a daily basis. This is where we have defense mechanisms. Many of these defense mechanisms we use unconsciously in order to protect our ego and avoid uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and impulses. Sigmund Freud was the one to discuss them first. He pointed out 10 such mechanisms. One of them is projection, which we will be discussing in this section. These defense mechanisms are not just ten, but many

Projection means a person sees their unacceptable behavior or impulse in others in order to avoid recognizing them in themselves subconsciously. Since this requires the internalization of right and wrong, projection takes place once a child develops his or her conscience. Thus, we see that it is generally used in mid-adolescence and thereafter. However, this behavior will be considered a cognitive bias if it is not involved in defending their own behavior or impulse. 

At times, when we disconnect ourselves from uncomfortable truths, we are able to cope better and maintain our self-esteem. In this situation, projection is okay, but in the long run, it becomes harmful because it ruins interpersonal relationships and leads to bullying, jealousy, and victim-blaming. I myself have become a part of such harmful projections quite a few times. It creates a hostile social world. 

I will share one incident. This incidence made my opponent fear rejection from the social crowd we shared. This insecurity instilled a lot of anxiety in them. They knew that the incidence was not acceptable in society. So, what they did was spread a false story to everyone that I had done those unacceptable things. Everyone saw me with disgrace, while everyone saw them with much respect. It took me a couple of years to restore my original status before I left that locality. 

That person had no courage to face that disgrace upon themselves, but they were very happy to make me a victim of their suffering and enjoy the support of the crowd in this crime. This is what people with projections always do. They portray themselves as good and show others as the real culprits. Here, they have no courage to face their weaknesses but enjoy seeing others become victims of their blame. They hide their own character and present themselves as innocent and clean. 

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Find my blogchatter A2Z 2024 series:

A- Arms of addiction

B- Babbling busyness

C- Cunning complacency and craving certaininty

D- Daring dreams(ambition)

E- Erratic ilk of arrogance

F- Fraudulent Forgetting

G- Gullible guilt and shame

H-Hankering Happiness pursuit

I- Infringes of information technology

J- Jarring Fatalism

K- Kraken-like projective defence

L- Lucrative masks and labels

M- Mesmerizing Materialism

N- Nostalgia-the niche to ditch the inner self


P- Pedantic Perfectionism

Q- Qualities of inner self



T- Tyranny of Fantasy




X- Xynolith in me-The anxiety


Z- Zest O! Zest! why do you fade in discovering you inner self


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