Emotional awareness
In my last post, I discussed the role emotions play in the process of letting go. So, emotions are an integral part of letting go, and we need to be aware of these emotions. AWARE?? We are always aware of our emotions, isn't it? How many times have you all said that I don't know why I fought with him/her? or something happened and I reacted in this way? or I don't know why my mood is not good? These all show that we are not aware of our emotions. I have faced this many times, and through hard lessons I have to learn to be aware of my emotions. I remember one of my job scenarios where I had to leave my city for the job. Something was troubling me from within, and I don't know what? I went to that place to join. By evening, my peace was totally gone, and I just cannot sit or relax at all. For me, having this job was important, but for my survival, my peace was the necessity. I started questioning myself: Why am I not happy when I am getting a job? I had no answer. Night...