What is personal pain?
As I was trying to understand this personal pain, I came across many ways people have tried to address it. Shneidman coined "psychache" (1990s), Orbach termed it "mental pain" (2003), Mee called it "psychological pain" (2006), and others named it "emotional" or "psychic pain" (2010–2011). Smedes (1984) made me understand that one of the integral components of pain is human beings. Pain is an uncomfortable experience that steals our peace of mind. It fills us with all negative feelings like anger, anguish, and hate, crippling us to feel peace and continue life. I was scrolling through my YouTube channel when I happened to see a child with a very ugly face. That boy has a tumour on his face. What was his mistake? He did nothing, but people feared to associate with him and talk and laugh with him. This made him hide himself, and he never came out. This is also a psychological or personal hurt. Nature is the source of this pain. Can we forg...