How to handle an emotional crisis?
We all know have faced emotional crises, isn't it? What is it? An emotional crisis also known as mental crisis is a natural element of life. We all face emotional crisis. It is a “ temporary, periodic disturbance of mental balance caused by a threat associated with the meaning of life, important values, in confrontation with important life problems. It is marked by a state of emotional tension, largely anxious “(Kubacka-Jasiecka, 2010, p. 26). Our mind is very good manager. The moment the crisis starts it starts using its means to handle them. They are a) Supression/ repression : The first thing that comes to our mind when we face an emotion is to supress them or repress them. Do you remember, how last time you had a fight with your husband or a close friend and you just kept your mouth shut controlling your overwhelming emotions. This suppression/repression generally happens unconsciously and then it starts making trouble in our lives. Can you recollect how you blasted on someone...