Arms of addiction
Today, I will be sharing with you our second hiding place. It is an addition. Author Hugh Mackay opens his hiding niche with these words: "When habits become addictive, they distract us from our inner life." These words appeared very simple, yet something drew me towards them. Though I have explored the habit segment in various ways for a long time, I still wanted to discover something new or unusual about it.Therefore, I sought out quotes regarding the subject as well as information on habits in psychology. I will begin with the quote : “Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it each day, and at last we cannot break it.” Horace Mann Indeed, our habits are like cables that we weave and later fail to break. In simple terms, they are repeated behaviors. Like the two sides of the coin, this habit also has two faces. One perspective indicates that it occurs within the same physical and social setting consistently, rendering it more stable. On the other hand, its repeatedl...