Secret to the mechanism of letting go
I have been speaking about letting go for about ten days. I talked about the four techniques: a) removing yourself from that stressful situation; b) the Eisenhower matrix; c) watching oneself from a distance; d) watching oneself from the future you. What was common in all of them? Can you all guess? Yes, in all of them, I never told you to forget about the stressful things that happened to you. Yes, letting go begins when we allow this feeling without a) Resisting it : Resistance to the feeling makes it come up all over again. So, don't resist it; allow it to be there, acknowledging that something has happened that shook you. b) Venting it : Maybe things might not have been your way, and that is troubling you and making you angry, and you want to take out your anger. Don't do that. Accept that this was not in your control, and so your command is not working. Venting will show your perspective only and is not receptive to other people's perspectives. c) Fearing it: We o...