
Showing posts with the label consciousness

Emotions-Consciousness-Energy centers (continuation.....)

In my last post, I discussed the connection between our emotions and our levels of consciousness. I was convinced by this argument, but then Hawkins introduced a new concept to me of consciousness and energy centers.  As I was talking about levels of consciousness with specified amounts of energies. Within our body operates an energy system. Now, our body is full of channels (nadis), and the focal point where all these channels converge is known as the chakras , or energy vortex, which radiates electromagnetic energies that have the power to give as well as receive energies . These chakras run down our spine and are seven in number. These chakras build connections between body parts and our emotions. We can analogy it to a flowing river. We all face emotional wounds and traumas. These emotional wounds and traumas can block the electromagnetic energies from the chakras and thus prevent them from delivering prana, or life force (a/k/a kundalini energy), to our bodies. When there is...