
Showing posts with the label Pain of experience

How you see the pain of experience?

For years, I have drawn strength from this quote from Thomas Edison "I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." One-time failure and the second-time failure you can keep encouraging yourselves with this quote. But, over time when nothing was working as I had planned; voices within me started becoming louder and louder. This point is the real challenge when your ways have not worked. What you do at this moment and how far you can tolerate this situation decides your destiny.      I remember days when my heart would say now I can tolerate no more. It was wise to be in the comfort zone, at least my basic needs would have been met. The rumbling is quite right but if I had turned back to my comfort zone thinking it was too much and unbearable, I would have missed the experiences that were about to be born that would lead me to my destiny.      When the hardships of life press, indefinitely, our mind gets clogged with the negative notions that prevail ar