
Showing posts with the label writeaworda day 2025

How to handle an emotional crisis?

We all know have faced emotional crises, isn't it? What is it?  An emotional crisis also known as mental crisis is a natural element of life. We all face emotional crisis. It is a “ temporary, periodic disturbance of mental balance caused by a threat associated with the meaning of life, important values, in confrontation with important life problems. It is marked by a state of emotional tension, largely anxious “(Kubacka-Jasiecka, 2010, p. 26). Our mind is very good manager. The moment the crisis starts it starts using its means to handle them. They are a) Supression/ repression : The first thing that comes to our mind when we face an emotion is to supress them or repress them. Do you remember, how last time you had a fight with your husband or a close friend and you just kept your mouth shut controlling your overwhelming emotions. This suppression/repression generally happens unconsciously and then it starts making trouble in our lives. Can you recollect how you blasted on someone...

Letting go and relationship

On this Valentine's Day, I thought to explore what letting go has to do in relationships, and that was mind-blowing. We all expect something in a relationship, isn't it? These expectations could be because of our own needs or desires or could be born from societal pressures and family demands. These expectations finally build the barricade of what our perfect relationship should look like. In other words, we want the control of our ideal relationship in our hands, and we get so attached to it that we fail to realize how suffocating the relationship is becoming in the trade-off of making it perfect. We all know nothing is perfect. Not even the whiteness of the moon nor the brightness of the sun; then why are we expecting a perfect relationship without flaws and shortcomings? My friend and I share the same month's birthday. I wanted to give a gift, so I inquired about my friend's likes and dislikes. After trying all the secret tricks to know all the details, I failed to g...