
Showing posts with the label psychological distancing

Psychological distancing

After executing the magical wand of control, the second tool for letting go is psychological distancing, often referred to as self-distancing. I always fall into this trap, and I have to take help from psychological distancing or else I might go destructive.  I remember when my sister was very angry and just wanted to bash things as she was pouring. I will give her this analogy: When I am in the marshy pit, I keep flapping my hands and legs in the hope of coming out, but nothing happens. The more I try, the more I get stuck in the marsh. On the other hand, a man standing outside can see my pathetic condition. He is the only one who can search for ropes and throw them to me so that I can be pulled out.  When I am damn angry, I just want to execute all crooked plans to win and only win. In this quest, I hurt many people, cheat many, and, above all, did not care about others' feelings. My fights could be so bad that we can never restore our relationships. Since I know myself, I h...