Our decisions

 When I started reading this topic, I was drawn to my good old days when I was learning to make decisions and I was full of anxiety and fear of an uncertain future. But, today I stand tall after making the decisions my own way. This standing tall is necessary to reach to our destiny. If I had failed to take those decisions in the past I would have never seen the days I loved and lived. 

As a teenager, I did not know how to make a decision. So many rumbling rounds used to take place in my head failing me to reach upto a point because I feared failure. I never wanted to be in a position to decide but I always landed up in a place where I had to choose one out of many. Those days were really tough, but over the years I learned something that became a treasure for me. This treasure I will share now with you all through this conversation from an anonymous author:

"Sir, what is the secret of your success?" the reporter asked a bank president.

The response was, "Two words Sir."

"What are they?"

He smiled and said, "Good decision."

Excited, the reporter inquired, "How do you make good decisions?"

Patiently, the president answered, "One word."

Bewildered, he asked, "Sir, success in one word. Are you sure?"

Comfortably settling his back on the seat he said, "Yes. I was able to make good decisions only because I have a good number of experiences."

Curious, the reporter asked, "How did you have a good number of experiences?"

Smiling again, he replied, "By making bad decisions."

These words were an eye-opener to me. I feared making wrong decisions restricting myself from getting the experiences so that I could make good decisions. We all do this, we fear something wrong will happen if we take this decision and love to chain ourselves in the limited horizon of what people have already done. 

All our lives depend on what we choose. I remember my matriculation examinations which I took very seriously because I wanted to choose the science stream. For that, I need to score well and hence I did good preparation. 

I remember, after my pre-degree, I wanted to go to the creative field but I could not clear those exams. So, everyone said, "Join the service field." I joined but then after a few years of striving I realised I was not meant for this field. Though I liked the field, my heart was not happy. I quit to explore and then I realised that my niche was right within my dreams which I was ignoring to be comfortable with the world. This was the point where I had to decide what I wanted. I chose what I dreamt and life became a struggle. I embraced this struggle which gave me a lot of experiences and today I feel this is the purpose of my life. 

I learned that there is no right or wrong. What matters is we keep moving. The wrong decisions teach me what is right and the right decisions lead me to what I want. Life is a mix of both. Having said this, I am being carried to Rutherford's experiment of scattering alpha particles. At that time various models were proposed for an atom. Rutherford thought let me check and see if what people are saying is right or not. So he did this experiment and that totally changed our understanding of an atom. Our life is also the same. Let us try and see if it works for me, gives a lot of insight about ourselves. Had I not gone to the service field, I would have never embraced my dreams and never known my own potential. Author Antony Robbins says, "I believe that it's in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped." Mahatma Gandhi was a lawyer. He could have chosen to live a lavish good life but he chose to serve the Motherland and he made us free. He became "Bapuji."  It was his decision.  We know many such mentors who dared to make a decision that revolutionised the world. This brings me to this concluding phrase:

"Man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are the creatures of me."

If this was not true we would not have been on the moon, or have been able to create synthetic rain or invented AI tools to ease our work. 

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2024

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