How you see the pain of experience?

For years, I have drawn strength from this quote from Thomas Edison

"I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

One-time failure and the second-time failure you can keep encouraging yourselves with this quote. But, over time when nothing was working as I had planned; voices within me started becoming louder and louder. This point is the real challenge when your ways have not worked. What you do at this moment and how far you can tolerate this situation decides your destiny. 

    I remember days when my heart would say now I can tolerate no more. It was wise to be in the comfort zone, at least my basic needs would have been met. The rumbling is quite right but if I had turned back to my comfort zone thinking it was too much and unbearable, I would have missed the experiences that were about to be born that would lead me to my destiny. 

    When the hardships of life press, indefinitely, our mind gets clogged with the negative notions that prevail around us. We also start believing that we are not meant to accomplish this. We can't make this thing happen. For years, I too was captivated by this doldrum. How much ever I fight and keep myself positive there will be times when I see myself trapped in these crippling pains of experiences. In those times only failure was visual to me NOT THE EXPERIENCE I was gaining. Hence, I used to feel shattered and devastated. This notion changed when I read this example in this book.

    Soichiro Honda, was a Japanese engineer and industrialist, founder of Honda Motor Co, Ltd, in 1938, diligently worked to develop a piston ring. He even put his wife's jewellery to fund his work. After it was completed, he went to sell it to Toyota Co. Toyota rejected it saying it was not of their standards. Back then, Honda was still in his school. When he returned back to his school, everyone laughed at his endeavour. Not even one failed to fire words of humiliation and failure upon him. He focused none, rather got back to work seeing his goal to meet the standards of Toyota. Two years later, he signed a contract with Toyota. He saw the lessons hidden in his unsuccessful attempt rather than his incapability to accomplish more. The story doesn't end here. Now, that was the time for World War II and Japan was preparing for the same so the government refused to give him the concrete he needed to build his factory. He didn't put up the mumbling and rumbling attitude, instead, he tapped his available resources to create his own concrete so that his dreams would not have to rely on the suppliers or government or any other person. 

    This story made me see what wrongs I had been doing, all the time. When things did not go my way, I used to blame the environment, the resources, the privileges and everything and then get sad. I also remember my days when I would listen to what people were saying about my incapable moves and get anxious and plead for their approval. These were the shackles that always pulled me away from my dreams or many a time were the road blockers I had to work on for years. 

    When I read the story of Honda, my mind instantaneously took me to every event I refused to act like a winner and chose to step back. I still remember how frequently I had said, "My life is full of challenges and there is no end to this challenging life. I am tired of fighting this battle. Why I am only being refused to be supported and sustained." Today, I see that I was only focused on the pain and shame; I never looked to the experience I was gaining to make better decisions and the experience I was gaining to expand my level of achieving things. I wanted to end this post with a quote on pain and I landed up on one of the most beautiful lessons on pain which I will share in my next post. As of now, I will close this post by saying these lines from the best
"Pain is a part of life, it is what makes us human( so true); it shapes us the same as love and laughter(now I understand this). You don't have to forget, but you cannot let it destroy you. CONQUER THE PAIN DON'T LET IT CONQUER YOU."

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2024












  1. What a powerful post! I really resonate with the idea of finding strength through failure and the importance of not letting pain consume us. Honda's story is inspiring, and your reflection on learning from hardships instead of focusing on the negative truly motivates me to keep pushing forward. Thank you for sharing this beautiful lesson!

    1. Hearts. Thank you so much. When I read about Honda, my world changed and I wanted this to reach to everyone. Thank you for encouraging me.

  2. Inspiring examples. May a lor of readers find solace and the required push in these lines.

    1. O wow! I do wish many more read this and find strength as I find every time I see this.

  3. Pain shapes us as human beings and as we know .. what can't kill us makes us stronger!

  4. Thank you for this very inspiring post. Every cloud has a silver lining, we've only got to find that silver linning, instead of letting the dark clouds consume us.

    1. Yes, you said it rightly, we should look for the silver lining.

  5. Thank you for this very inspiring post. EVery cloud has a silver lining, and we've got to find that silver lining , instead of letting the dark clouds consume us.


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