Body-mind balance- True valance
Photo credit: Sub F Antony Fernandes, Ladakh
WHO theme for World Mental Health Day 2023: "Mental health is a basic human right for all people." (10 Oct. 2023)
We are all aware of our human body system, in which so many organ systems work. Yes, all are essential but not vital. In our body, we have five vital organs: the heart, lungs, kidney, liver, and brain. Without these vital organs, our survival is impossible.
HEART: We all know about heart attacks. The moment our hearts stop pumping,
everything stands still. So, it is really vital.
LUNGS: We all know its importance after COVID. A small infection of the respiratory
track and we lost our control over our life giving breath. So, we need lungs in every form.
KIDNEY: We all know about renal failure. People with nonfunctional kidneys fail to
survive. We look for organ donors to extend our lives.
LIVER: Another important organ that cleanses our body and regulates function. Without
it our life is a mess. No liver, no function. The body seems like a dead robot.
BRAIN: Now the most vital of all is the brain. With all other organ failures, we can
function for a while, but with a dead brain, our body becomes like a vegetable. It
is said that a brain dies if no oxygen is supplied to it for 3 minutes.
This was all in view of our physical health, which is essential for our survival. Now, in our body, what we see is the physical part. Apart from this lies a hidden, untouched part called the 'psyche.' Now, this psyche is a wonderful thing. It has put life and uniqueness into human beings, an unreplicable element within our body.
This psyche makes us feel the love that makes our lives a garden of roses.
This psyche says, "Let's give it a try." and whatever happens, we give it a try.
This psyche analyses the joke in the conversation and says to our brain, It's a matter of laughter, and we laugh and rejuvenate every one of our cells in our body.
But since it is never visible, we probably forget to attend to it.
In the first century, a Roman poet, Juvenal, said,
‘Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano’
which means you should pray for a healthy mind in a healthy body, emphasising the importance of the mind over the body. In other words, the invisible conquers the visible. What we can see in our physical body is suffering; we can easily treat and relieve it. But that only serves a section of our relief; the bigger share is being occupied by the invisible mental self.
Our mind is like the wick of a candle, and the whole candle is the body. We might look good from the outside, but we are of no use unless this wick is good enough to be lit and enlighten the world. Similarly, our body might look good and healthy from outside, but if our mind is not healthy, then WE NEED TO UNDERSTAND THIS.....
If our mind is not sound and healthy, I warn you, you are opening doors for MONSTERS......THE INVISIBLE MONSTERS.
Let me show you a few.
When wrongs are done to me. I feel hurt. This hurt calls for attention. I need to find an answer to why I felt hurt.
No. We believe in revenge. We believe in rage because that makes us feel powerful. So, instead of attending to the wound to make us healthy, we love to invite enmity. This enmity is the MONSTER ruining everything.
This is one incidence. Let me take you to another one.
Come, let us go back to our childhood. In our childhood, if our parents always praise our younger siblings, then we start feeling neglected and rejected. So rejection is our wound.
No, we love to live with misconceptions. We loved to cook castles of inferiority complex around us all through our childhood. Thus, by adulthood, we have broken confidence, a living anxiety house, and utter failure. What are these MONSTER AND THEIR SISTERS.
I can cite number of examples from our lives. All these monsters are skilled scammers who just know how to scam and steal our stability and peace.
Our mind should be like the free-flowing river water, a source of inspiration and a house of possibilities, whereas our brain should be like the white clouds flowing high up in the sky as they are continuously fed by the river water. This bonding of river water and cloud never breaks, and they never pollute each other. They love to live in harmony. Our mind and body should also live in the same harmony, making the man who he is.
So, to be our true selves, we need a balance of mind and body. Just focusing on the body is only half the work done. We equally need to attend to our minds and become the kind we are meant to be.
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