Why letting go is difficult?

For a fortnight, I have been talking about how letting go benefits us. Still, we all feel the resistance to do. When the thing is good, why is there resistance? Letting go leads our emotions to a better world where emotions no longer need to be the leader. Now the question arises: how do our emotions become the leaders? It is the ego that wants to hold on and doesn't allow letting go to happen. It keeps flaring our emotions so that we don't let go and keep feeding the needs of our ego either by venting in the wrong way or acting out impulsively and aggressively. This ego makes us forget to surrender often or try for frequent escapism, which is no way helpful in dealing with such situations. 

The more you resist, the more you desire, so don't resist this resistance that is arising. Don't use distractions from this resistance or force yourself to let go. It is not going to work. Just let the resistance be there, and you will be aware that your ego is not allowing you to let go. Instead of fighting with the resistance of ego, explore what fear you have behind your resistance. What are you fearing to lose that you don't want to let go? Are you ready to let go of this fear?

Know your fear. Why did you develop your fear? Are you ready to let go of your fear? If not, what is stopping you from letting go of your fear? What will happen if you do let it go? Will your loss be more than the peace you are searching for? You have to reach this stage where you can see the loss of losing your fear is no longer bigger than your peace of mind. This stage will allow you to let go of your fear and ultimately your resistance. Now, there would be so many fears housed within you over years. You have to explore them all one by one. Deal with them one by one and finally let it go. Once all your fears are resolved, your resistance will also dissolve, and you will feel free and light.

When you are finding your fears and dealing with them, your ego gets the message that it's life is in danger, and it tries every trick to save its life. Ego says that surrender is not working; things are still in progress. Nothing is working; leave it. These are lies. Just focus on the existing fear you are facing. Why did you start having this fear? What can you do to end this fear? Can you manage on your own, or do you need some help?

In my situation (my work was frequently missed out), I felt angry. Why was I angry? This was because I felt some people were troubling me and forcing me to talk, and I don't like this. The situation was different, but my inbuilt fear ran in a different direction. It did not take me much time to understand this fear because I have been studying myself every day. I knew my old fear was trying to come back. I worked on it and gave proof to myself that this is not the case. This missing out could be completely coincidental. Secondly, I was never resistant to talking to anybody, and if I am still not, then why to fear? What will I lose if I talk also? Nothing; it is only going to do good. In this way, I surrendered my fear, and within no time I realized that I don't need to control the external forces who might be trying to talk to me. I just kept receiving the guiding lights from the universe.

Thoughts are very powerful. We all think, isn't it? So, escaping from thoughts is not possible, and if we say we don't think, then it is purely a lie. These thoughts are nothing but the images our mind has made, which prevents us from experiencing what we really are. These thoughts are not true but just make-belief ones that blur the truth. In this way, our thoughts bring hinderances in our letting go process. So, it is always wise to analyze some common beliefs we hold and let them go off first and feel resistance-free. These common beliefs could be:

a) I only deserve things through hard work, struggle, sacrifice, and efforts

b) Suffering is beneficial and good for me

c) I don't get anything without effort or cost.

d) I don't value things that come too easily to me.

This is not true always. So, we should let go of these thoughts and receive whatever the universe is presenting to us.

This post is a part of Write a Page a Day at www.theblogchatter.com 


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