Emotions-consciousness-energy centers

When I was in school, I never believed in energy levels and consciousness-like things. As I grew and developed an interest in psychology, I found how our conscious and unconscious selves affect us. Though I was not much into energy centers of our body, I feel some contents can be grasped with positivity and can build our life. I will begin with the map of consciousness developed by Dr. David R. Hawkins, taken from Simon Power's post on "what is the map of consciousness."

This awareness about consciousness was enlightening for me. Hawkins says that everything in this universe emits energy, either positive or negative. I agree with him here. We all have instances when we do not want to hang around some kind of people like those who always deceit us, those who always spit hateful words, or those who are greedy. Why? This is because they emit negative energy. On the other hand, we all want to befriend those who have offered help when we needed it unconditionally, those who have been considerate to us, and those who are genuine, no two faces. This is because they emit positive energy. 

On the map, if you see ( to your extreme left), there are three section

a) Survival paradigm: This is the lowermost section, which we all use. Unless and until our survival needs are met, we cannot climb to higher levels of consciousness. 

b) Reason and Integrity: Once our survival needs are being met, we then start reasoning and questioning and looking for integrity. 

c) Spiritual Paradigm: The highest section that raises our standards.

Associated with these sections are the levels of consciousness (name of the level column). This lists the levels we attain (can attain) all through our lives. For survival, we live in shame, fear, anger, pride, etc. Do you all agree? Let me explain it with an example. In a job setting, suppose my boss always says that I am below average and not at all good. I bear all those feelings of shame because I want to survive in my job. I show off so much about my great achievements because pride is what I feel makes me look great, and hence I survive in the group. 


We have different energy levels at different levels of consciousness. You must have seen the impact Jesus Christ, Krishna, and Buddha have on the world. They left this world millions of years ago, and still we remember them and follow their path. This is because they have attained their highest level of consciousness, which has the highest energy level (1000), which radiates to a larger distance. What we witness is the radiance of their energy, which is highly positive and has the capability to transform our energy levels too. On the other hand, we also remember the actors Pran and Prem Chopra in Bollywood and Adolf Hittler, but we do not want to be around them ever because their aura is so negative and we feel that we are also full of negativity around them. If we closely look at the map of consciousness, their level of consciousness is pride (175), anger (130), and shame (20), which are lower levels of consciousness that force us to do these things and secure our place so that we could survive.

The level of consciousness at courage is the critical point at which energy-level transformation takes place. At courage and higher levels, our energies are positive and life-supportive, whereas below courage level our energies are negative and destructive. Above the courage level, we seek them because they add to our energies (power), whereas we withdraw away from people below the courage level because they draw from our energies to build their energies (force). They use us to fulfill their own material and emotional needs. Thus we see that true "power" strengthens and "force" weakens.

You all can explore various levels of consciousness in the David R. Hawkins book, "Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender."

When I was reading this book, I started to visualize my own life process. I found that in my childhood I was full of fear and anger because of which I could not achieve what I dreamt. When I did not get what I wanted, I was filled with anger and would speak all ill about everyone. Over years, in my adolescence, I saw I feared taking my competitive exams with positivity. I used to be filled with fear of failure, and yes, I could not clear because of anxiety. I didn't know this was there, but then something happened in my life, and because of that incidence, my perspective on life started changing. It took some years for me to get rooted in this positive aura, which changed my life. My negatives happened in my life, which should have sent me to madness, but I was always able to see a ray of hope in those situations too. I realized that people draw energies from me when I saw people closely attending to my words and doing them also. This made me wisely do things so that people find help from them. At this point in my life, I was not fully positive. I still remember saying ill about people and criticizing them. I could feel my shift from positivity, which I had gained, and how my arrow was moving towards negativity. I did not want to lose my positivity and the freedom I got from it, but it was not happening in the then situation. I chose to change my environment. I did, and I started focusing on what was the reason for my this shift. I worked on those issues and was able to see my positivity come back again. This happened because I let go of things that should not influence me. This helped me clear my own negativity, which I have built over time. Thus, my progressive movement up the scale of courage and beyond started again. I shared this so that we all can find our encouragement to make an effort to keep our level of consciousness above the courage level and be positive. I have been able to climb up the scale because I started accepting the truth as it came to me, and I did not fear to tell this truth to others also. I still remember when everybody used to tell me that I was filled with anger and rage. Yes, that was true. For small things also, I used to blast like anything. I started accepting this truth, and I never took it as an insult or defamation about me when my family members pointed out this weakness. Over years, I worked on it, and I was able to change it to some extents. It did make me calm. This thing brought more positivity and courage in myself.

On a close look at the map of consciousness, you can also see the emotions we are having at each level of consciousness and the view of life we hold. At the level of shame, we feel humiliated and live a miserable life, whereas at the level of courage, we feel affirmative and live a feasible life. Further moving higher, we have forgiveness and live a harmonious life, and if we don't stop here, we can attain an ineffiable emotional state and live a perfect life. Choice remains always in our hands.

This post is a part of Write a Page a Day at www.theblogchatter.com 


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