The giver Soul - The Winner Soul

The sweet orchestrated melody of the dawning nightingales shook me off her sleep while the kiss of the golden rays opened her oceanic blue eyes. However, the cool breeze pacing at 16.7km/hour filled the air with chillness, and she pulled her blanket up to her neck, enjoying its cosy comfort. The crawling golden rays inched every space of her face, inviting her for a tango delight, while the chilly breeze of December called for an extended morning retreat.
Tuhina Sen was a vibrant middle-aged lady staying with her 2-year-old Belgian Malinois, Siri. With a weekend mood, she turns her back and pulls her blanket to grab her next REM sleep cycle with sweet dreams of her honey. On the other hand, the brightness outside and green grasses are calling Siri for another round of soccer. Siri's restlessness grew as the mercury climbed the thermometer's capillary, but the week-long tired Tuhina was an energyless stupor.
Image credit: Eliselgm_15 on Pixabay
Tuhina was an ER specialist at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Last week was a hectic schedule as the hospital received two major accident cases and two severe anaphylactic shock cases. Every case made their hearts beat at double speed, but they were successful in reviving them and saving them. Siri was aware of this weekend routine of Tuhina, so she was pushing her even more. The clock struck 10, but there was no sign of her moving. Now, Siri wanted to go out, so she started to groan even more louder.
"Shut up, Siri. I want to sleep a little more."
Siri was not going to listen anymore. She now started to pull her blanket. Fighting for a while, they started playing with each other. Finally, after an hour's tussling, Tuhina slipped her feet into the shoes and moved out. As the door opened, Siri dashed to the lawn grass and started rolling. Over here, the unkempt Tuhina somehow dragged herself up to the old letterbox. Supporting her back, she stood there watching Siri play. Her weight pushed the lever of the letterbox, and it opened.
After her break-up with Aman, Tuhina stopped checking her mailbox because that was how they met each other. Aman was a dashing biostatistician. One summer morning, as Tuhina checked her mailbox, she found a very unusual letter(the envelope was full of graphs.) As she opened the letter, it read as
"To the reader,
I have found that those relationships live longer, in which they believe in giving each other rather than taking. So, as an act of giving, I am sending this letter to someone who would feel good to receive this letter. If this letter brings a smile to your face and you feel special, please join me for a cup of coffee this weekend at Coffee House, Salt Lake, Kolkata, at 7 pm.
I have found that those relationships live longer, in which they believe in giving each other rather than taking. So, as an act of giving, I am sending this letter to someone who would feel good to receive this letter. If this letter brings a smile to your face and you feel special, please join me for a cup of coffee this weekend at Coffee House, Salt Lake, Kolkata, at 7 pm.
At first, it appeared weird to Tuhina. Shrugging her shoulder, she said, "How can somebody write such a foolish letter to anybody?" She threw it in the piles of paper on her reading desk. Days and months passed by. Many more letters piled over it. One evening, just before the change of her shift, she received a patient in a pool of blood. The bystanders who helped said, 'She was struck by a rash driving car while feeding the homeless.' On her hand was a band. It read: GIVE BEFORE YOU RECEIVE. These words created commotion within Tuhina. Sometimes, the universe makes us observe things we intended to ignore. It keeps knocking on the door until we open it and understand what the universe is communicating.
At first, it appeared weird to Tuhina. Shrugging her shoulder, she said, "How can somebody write such a foolish letter to anybody?" She threw it in the piles of paper on her reading desk. Days and months passed by. Many more letters piled over it. One evening, just before the change of her shift, she received a patient in a pool of blood. The bystanders who helped said, 'She was struck by a rash driving car while feeding the homeless.' On her hand was a band. It read: GIVE BEFORE YOU RECEIVE. These words created commotion within Tuhina. Sometimes, the universe makes us observe things we intended to ignore. It keeps knocking on the door until we open it and understand what the universe is communicating.
All the way home, she kept thinking- give before you receive. As she opened her door, Siri jumped on her. Patting Siri, she headed straight to her reading table, searching for the letter. Today, this letter is appealing even more than that day. Now she feels, "What if he was waiting for all these days and months in the hope of seeing the one moved by his letter." She was filled with guilt. This weekend, she planned to visit for a coffee in the evening. As she drove her car, waves of thoughts rumbled in her head, but still, her heart said just go and see. Finally, made it to the Coffee House. As she was thinking, how would she know who Aman was? Just then, the guard opened the gate, and she walked in. She quickly looked around and found a corner dimly lit with a man sitting in a coffee mug. She quickly hopped to the counter and inquired, "Why is that man sitting alone with only a coffee mug?" The receptionist replied, 'Ma'am, he comes every evening at 7 pm and only orders coffee and then goes off. This is for months.' "Hmmm....I see."
Then, she quietly approached his table. The man there lifts his eyes, which are now looking hopeless and sad. She asked, "Can I join you for a cup of coffee this evening?" Suddenly, she could see the spark back in his eyes and his posture improving, and he jumped off his seat to pull the chair for his lady. Tuhina settles down comfortably, and then the man orders for the coffee.
Tuhina was startled by this. She breaks the silence by asking, "So, you are Aman."
'No Ma'am. I am his secretary.'
"Oh! I see. So this was all a game."
'No, Ma'am. Aman Sir always came here, but now his health is falling, so I sit in his place.'
"What happened to your Sir?"
'Ma'am, recently he is been diagnosed with Pick disease. He forgets things.'
"Then, he probably must have forgotten this letter also. So, why are you doing this?"
'No, ma'am. He forgets everything, but he has pasted a copy of the letter he had sent to you on his mirror, which reminds him that he wants to see the one who received his letter.'
"Okay, I see."
'Would you mind if I invite you for breakfast at Aman Sir's house this tomorrow morning. He will be happy seeing you.'
"Give me some time. These all things are overloading my brain so much."
"Sure ma'am. Whenever you feel like calling, you can come to the window and chant these three magical words I have given you in this chit. I will come.'
Taking the chit, Tuhina slips back in her chair. With her heart beating even more faster, she opens the chit and finds the same words she was using to address Aman while they were together.
Then, the secretary departed. Tuhina hurried to her house and took a good warm shower to relax. All these things were rumbling like empty vessels in her brain, and she wanted to get rid of them all. She played a piece of soft music and retreated to her bed, patting Siri's back. The next day was Monday so rush was the gush. The daily course and workload wiped away all that happened last night but the universe was not going to give up.
On Thursday evening, just before her shift was about to finish, a very unique mountain monk made a visit to the hospital. He happened to cross her path. Smelling the aura, he stopped and said, "You are destined to do great things. The things you are running from are the things you are created for. You are a unique, special and selected person. Please do not ignore the signals the universe is sending you."
Totally unaware of what was happening, she grasped those words and put them in her long-term memory for further reference and headed to do her last piece and retire for the day.
When she came back home, Siri was over-anxious. She patted her and asked what happened. Siri took her to the window. Tuhina asked, "What happened here? What do you want me to see?" Siri ran to her reading desk and fiddled with her box with chits. Tuhina opened it and saw the same chit the secretary handed her. Just then, she remembered the words of the monk. Within her this was boiling, "Are they related somehow?"
Cuddling Siri a little more she said, "Okay, I got your point. Give me some time to think over it." Then she ebbed back to her bed. Friday was uneventful for her so she had much time to ponder over the things that were happening in her life. When she came back home, she made her way straight to the window and enchanted those three words.
There was a little commotion as the lights of the stars brightened, and there was the secretary in front of her. He bowed down to her. Reciprocating the same, she said, "I thought over what you have mentioned and will join you on the breakfast."
With a smile on his face, he bows down again and says, 'Thank you, Ma'am. I will be there at your service. '

The meeting was grand and changed both Aman's and Tuhina's lives. They turned out to be the perfect couple they were seeking. Life was going well; Aman was no longer showing any signs of Pick disease, and Tuhina was feeling most accomplished and complete. They both were much happier in their lives when, one spring morning, Tuhina found herself in front of a mirror that did not capture her image. She was shocked. She tried all poses, but she was not at all visible in the mirror. She ran in the whole house to see not one mirror, then she recalled that all these years she saw herself in Aman's eyes. She called everyone in the house and inquired about the mirror. All shrugged their shoulders. She ran to the door to move out, but the door seemed locked. She was shocked because all these years she was busy only organising her house. She never realised she hadn't gone out for years. This mirror instigated her to go out. Now, she feels that she is in a trance. Goosebumps rose all over her body as she recalls those incidents.
Rubbing her arms and calming her nerves, she started enjoying the plays of Siri, supporting her hand on the old letterbox. Suddenly, with a creaky noise, the letterbox opened. The eyes of Tuhina fell on the letter in the mailbox. She wanted to run away and not see it again. Her heart was pacing like a horse in the race. Aman and the house were what she could pictorize so well again. Droplets of sweat rolled down her cheeks and back. Siri jumped, grabbed the letter, and ran inside. Tuhina, shocked and startled, shouted, "No, Siri. Leave it here. We are not going to see it."
Siri kept the letter on the table and waited for Tuhina to come. Fear struck, Tuhina was trembling as she approached the table. Sweat was falling like big drops of blood from her face. Siri was eager to see what was inside. Tuhina picked it up and turned and saw it was sent to her by Tuhina Khandelwal. She checked the stamp. It was dated 18.11. 2034.
Startled, she opened it, and the handwriting was like hers. The letter read
"Hi Tuhia,
When you receive this letter, know that it's time to know the truth. Are you ready, Tuhina Sen?
When you receive this letter, know that it's time to know the truth. Are you ready, Tuhina Sen?
The story began when you received the letter from Aman. Embracing the universe's move, you met Aman and began your life as Mrs. Khandelwal. Do you remember those days?
Then, on that fateful day, when you saw that mirror and broke the window and ran away, leaving behind your one anklet. Do you remember? (Tuhina runs to her cupboard and opens the box which had the other anklet. She also saw the ring she had on her finger that day. The beautiful glittering diamond ring. For years, she has not opened this box.)
Aman Khandelwal is the Prince of Petunia Island, an Island in space where life is much slower than on Earth. The Petunians are never allowed to come to Earth because they are allergic to this environment. Aman was the only one who was not affected by this environment. This was discovered accidentally when, one day, on his trip to Tampana, he landed on Earth.
When Aman went back to Petunia, he narrated his story to the King, his father. King Arnold looked into the eyes of his queen Marina. She gently nodded her head. Then, King Arnold briefed Prince Aman about the prophecy at his birth.
A prophet from the east had arrived to see the prince at his birth. He was very happy with the glow Prince Aman bore on his face. He saw the stars and the glow of Prince Aman and then looked at us and said, "This child is destined to write a new history." "We were all like, what?" inquired the King.
Yes, King Arnold. "He is the one who will expand your kingdom and make new histories. Prince Aman's soul is a gentle giver's soul. He will seek a giver to weave the new river, joining two worlds. This will mark the beginning of new history. Your race is invisible in sunlight, and that is why no one knows about you all." "What would be the signs of these things, " asked the King.
"When Mrs Khandelwal knows this truth and willingly comes to Prince Aman, he will be revived back to life. The Pick disease, which joined them once, will again be the reason for their reunion. This will only happen when Mrs Khandelwal reads her letter from her future."
"How will this impossible thing happen?" mumbled the King.
The prophet said, "That is what the Petunians are known for, time travel."
So, the time travel was planned to save his son, Aman, from this deadly Pick disease.
Tuhina Khandelwal."
Image credit: Pixabay

As she finished reading the letter, she could see two gentle souls kneeling down right behind Siri. Siri immediately turned and started barking at them. Tuhina patted Siri and made her quiet. Then those gentle souls rose and said to Tuhina that they had come to take her to Prince Aman. We, the Petunians, can travel in time back and forth, but we cannot change anything. So, what happened was a section of your life in future. You could not see yourself in the mirror because that has not yet happened, and we cannot create that. We placed that mirror there so that your trance could be broken and you complete your destined life's journey here so that, at the right time, we can take you to Prince Aman.
We have been waiting for this for ages. You left opening your mailbox after that painful trance, and we could not cross the line after the mailbox. So, we posted this letter, which you wrote during your trance state and waited for the time when you opened it. Today is that fateful day. Will you accompany us to Prince Aman, whose dementia is worsening day by day?
Filled with tears, she nodded, "Yes."
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I found the plot intriguing and heartwarming. The twist at the end was a surprise. Descriptions are imaginative bringing life to the story. You have sketched the characters with some emotional depth. A nice read.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your observations. I liked the concept of the prompt. I am visual, so I plotted with images and then tried to join them. I am just trying to improve my storytelling skills.