A night in a no-man's land

Image Credit: Selvamani 

The stillness in the air could be felt, and the wailing silence could be heard from afar as the moon crawled over the sands to touch the feet of Aman and Mahi. The shrilling cry of brittle crackling could be heard aloud as the slivery platter makes its way between them. The moist eyelashes of Mahi and the deep oceanic globe of Aman long to narrate their agony.

Aman was an artisan who made baskets of palm leaves and made his living. He had two younger sisters and a mother to take care of. Life was tough but happiness was full because they all lived every moment. Every day Aman would make baskets, sell them in the local market, and make money. 

Years back, there was a severe famine in the land and no food. So, his father travelled to the king's palace to borrow food for his family. There, he mortgaged his house for food. On the way back home, the sun was scorching and for miles and miles, no water was visible. The caravan was full of children and nursing mothers. Their conditions were deteriorating. Arman, Aman's father, lent his own last stock to let them survive. By now, the caravan had reached to the local market, and it was almost night, but no one was there. Arman knocked on every shop and every door there for water, but none gave him the elixir. Tired and exhausted, he lay still there, grabbing his last breath while his tongue searched for the last drop of life-saving catholicon.  The ebony blanket was even more cruel. Her dark, dirty arms feared not to steal away the young father of Aman. The no-moon night ate away the happiness Aman and Taniya eagerly awaited. 

As the caravan arrived at the village, Taniya hopped on every corner, looking for Arman. Her eagerness and excitement could well be read from Taniya's face. The nursing mothers could feel the pain and anxiety in her every peeking. The young mothers consoled Taniya by speaking about the care and concern Arman showed, but she was inconsolable. How could her tears stop? What would she say to Aman, who was not even two years old? What will she do now?

The moonless nights became Aman's true rivals. Every no-moon night, he would look at the dark sky and question- "why me? Why my father only?"  but the darkness had no answer. The young blood boiled at the valediction passed by the fateful night that made him fatherless, but the universe remains all-powerful as always, and Aman has to return home devastated. Taniya saw all these years after years but could do nothing to soothe her son. With this burning fire, Aman became a valiant fighter for human rights here in the desert. Nothing wrong filters his eyes, and not one soul goes away without justice. Life for him was only justice and justice.

Amidst this serious purpose-driven life, the universe was concocting something beautiful and lively. Where Aman was only looking for fairness and rightness, the universe was weaving the garden of roses. On a fine morning in April, Aman was on a trip to the neighbouring village, delivering the baskets to the vendor. On his way back, he saw a scenic garden. The sky was clear, and the dusk was still far. He decided to stroll for a while in the peaceful world. Walking through the greenery, the sweet smell of nature filled his soul with lively vibes while the gentle songs of the river waters took away the sickening pain of his heartburn. The melody was turning his soul's barren land into fertile soil. Something within Aman was transforming. He was touching the tender leaves of the plants and felt their softness. The aroma around brought a smile to his face, and the chirping birds made him dance while the orchestrating river was calling him. Gently bending down, he wanted to feel the peace of the flowing waters. Playing with the downstream flow, he suddenly felt a faint touch. He thought it must be the plankton underneath and continued striking the clear waters. This time, he felt a hand-like touch, and he jumped and pulled his hands out. At the same moment, he saw the colour of the water change from shimmering golden to blue again. This time, he sat and put his hand into the waters, waiting for the touch. Quititude filled the air, and suspense built, but nothing happened to Aman this time. Time passed by, and the sun was walking away, breaking the patience of Aman just then, he felt the touch again, and he saw the waters turning golden again. 

  Image credit: Pete Linforth on Pixabay

He dipped his face into the waters to see who touched him but could only see a shining light inside. He dived in to follow the light and was carried deep into the seabed. He was mesmerised to see a world under the waters. Now, he could see the golden seabed with a whole city of sand underneath and the planets in the sky. The sun's rays light this world brilliantly. As he was walking and inspecting the place, he reached the entry gate, where he saw a girl dressed in white sitting by the side of the elixir pond with the hourglass pacing. He called the girl, but she didn't reply. He called her again. "Why don't she reply? I am not so far away from her, still, she did not reply."  He walked inside the arched gate and called her again, "Hey, what is this place called as?" The girl turned. Aman's eyes were stunned, admiring the beauty he had never seen before. The radiance from her face glowed his mind and soul even more. He stood there speechless, adoring the delicacy with which she was created by the creator. Just then, she spoke: 'Welcome, Aman, we have been waiting for you for years.'  Flowers poured, and music played as she spoke. Aman was already in seventh heaven. 'Welcome, Aman, to the land of the Sun.'  Baffled hearing his own name in an unknown land, he inquired, "How do you know me?" 

'A long time ago, there was a great famine in your land, and a man gave his own drinks to nursing mothers, which cost his own life. One of the nursing mothers in that cohort was my mother. She was stuck in that famime with me and was not able to reach this gateway. That man brought her here so she could come back here safely. My mother said that he was a God angel who saved my life. So, I often visited Earth to see his family. There I saw you. You are a handsome, responsible, and kindhearted man like your father, but you are not as clean as your father because of the rage you are nurturing within yourself. Your rage pollutes the goodness and justice you have been doing all these years. It is your rage that sometimes blinds you to making wise decisions like your father. This rage had stolen all the happiness of your life. You act more like a machine than a benevolent, worthy man. 

Dark nights have been your tormentor for years. Full moons are your panacea. In our land, we have no nights. When I went to Earth, I saw day and night, and there I realised that I must fulfil my obligation.'

"What obligation?"  inquired Aman.

'To show you the truth behind everything the universe does in our lives, be it good or bad. The good brings us happiness, while the bad becomes our lessons to improve ourselves. We are the soul cleaners of the universe, so goodness prevails at every cost. When I saw your pain and agony, I knew you were the one I had to cleanse. This was the reason your father saved me, so someday I may save you from doing wrong in your anger and rage.'

Stunned by these words, Aman stood there shocked, "How could somebody know about me this much?"

Pointing to the hourglass she says, 'Aman time is flying, come in dip yourself in this magical waters that takes away all your rage and malice.' 

"What do you mean?"

'Aman, tomorrow is a full moon night, and you are about to witness the most beautiful turnover of life. We want to witness that grace shower on you like a blessing. This can only happen when you give away your anger and rage against the universe and embrace its mystical moves that carve beatitudes.'

"What turnover you are talking about?" inquired Aman.

Smiling, she said, 'Nothing happens before time, and some mysteries bring merry. Since you had always been a curious lad, I had to disclose this much secret of the universe, the rest all will unfold in its own time. Now please come and dive into these magical waters.'

The next moment, he was on the land feeling relaxed, afresh and renewed person. The anger and rage were no longer his identity. He now felt there was some goodness in everything. His perspective on life was totally transformed. He dipped his face again in water but found only darkness down. Rising his face out of water he saw the sun setting and he hurried back. 

When he reached home, it was already late. He ate his dinner and retired for the day. As the first rays of the sun kissed him, a smile shone on his face, communicating to the universe that he was happy with it. Jumping on his feet, he energetically wheeled through the day eagerly waiting for his full moon nights as always. 

Walking along the sands, he sat in his favourite niche, waiting for the moon to show up. As the moon showed up like a sliver, he heard someone walking behind. He turned and saw the same girl he met under the water. Aman wanted to know if she was the same one he saw under the waters, but he refrained from asking. The girl smiled at him as she was passing him. Aman said, "Would you mind spending a while with me under the moonlight."

She nodded. They sat there talking about the moon, mind, mysteries and many more things. The nights that Aman used to spend alone filled with rage for the loss of his father now were recast with a beautiful companion. 

Sometimes, we see the image of what is about to happen. The universe has its own way of executing wonders that are beyond our understanding. 

NB: This is part of the fiction series "Desert Night"

This post is a part of Blogchatter Blog Hop and link it to www.theblogchatter.com


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