Pain is never waste

As I was pondering over pain and how it has transformed me, I learned a very good lesson. As life brought challenges and I met failures in my life, my outlook towards life was blurring every now and then. It was impossible for me to trust that something good could happen to me now. I was shattered and broken. 

This was the time I met my God. I started looking away from my failures and setbacks towards God. This transformational shift in my thought transformed my victim thought into a victor thought. It instilled in me new hope and channelled my thought process towards a positive outlook. From there on, I never took the path of negativity. I always try to keep my thoughts on a positive track, even when life says you are a big fool. I say to myself,Let us see what comes out. This positive outlook has been very helpful to me in making my life look beautiful and good. 

Today, when I look back on all these pains, I feel they were all important for me to shape me into what I am now. Now I embrace those pains because they made me the best person I could ever be. Thank you to everyone who inflicted these pains on me. I became a better me. 

Along this course, as I was looking for ways to use these encouraging words for others, I happened to land on this perspective of pain

When I was hurt and the pain was unbearable, I wanted to be away from everyone. I wanted to be alone. I sat and cried for all that had happened. That was required for me to feel light. This was the time when I was connected to myself. It was only me and myself. We talked for months and years together, working on myself to find out what I was supposed to do next. How am I supposed to begin and restart my life from scratch? I gained a lot of strength from this. This gives me a new purpose for my life. The purpose of my life became meaningful because of this pain. Actually, till now, I was only in my training phase. This pain made me take a turn in my life that will ultimately lead me to my destined life—the life I had wished for all the time but forgot about in the race of life. I took on this challenge and purpose in my life. 

This discovery of purpose in my life now makes me see all the pains and the people who brought these pains into my life as someone who has done a great blessing on me. Had they not hurt me like this, I would not have taken that crucial turn in my life. This discovery of my purpose made me change my views on them and receive the magical blessing of forgiveness. This step of finding the purpose is very important when we feel hurt or pain. It took me years to find the purpose of the hurt. 

"Why was it required to face this hurt or pain? Why was this pain meant for me at this hour? What is it that I am not attending at this time that God wants me to see?" These questions helped me connect with myself and find my purpose, which I abandoned long ago. At this point, I am reminded of the book "Alchemist" by Paulo Choelo, who said that we have a purpose right within us all the time. We see that purpose only when we follow the course of life and discover it. This book gave me strength to stand in every failure and in every mistake because they are the stations that will ultimately connect me to my true self and true purpose. Since then, I have never questioned myself: "Why me and only me in this bad situation and in such hurt and pain? Is my life meant to be full of pain and hurt only?" This change in my thought process helped me to explore new things and ultimately land on places that I thought could never come into my life because I have become old and my time has passed. No, just following the way life brings me made me do all those things that I thought were out of my hands. This discovery of my purpose now makes me happy.

Today, when I see those hurts through the lens of my purpose, they help me grow and achieve what I am made for. Thank you, Pain and Hurt, for pushing me to my true purpose. Never think this is the end. The way you think is what is going to carve your future. So, the step of connecting with yourself and discovering your purpose is very important so that you forgive, rise above the cloud of doubt, and shatter into the sky of victory and opportunity. We all have to do many things; we just can't be shackled with guilt, pain, and hurt. We need to forgive and attain our greater selves. 

So, always remember, pain is for purpose, and purpose is hidden in forgiveness. Once you rise above blaming others for the pain and forgive, your purpose becomes clearer, and from this stage on, no one can take your purpose from you. In other words, you become unstoppable despite the pain and hurt. 



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