

Credits: Alexa's I beg you Pardon on pixabay

As we begin this new year and since I am working on forgiveness, I felt the urgent need to introduce this topic. I will try to cover as much as possible to enlighten you all as well as encourage you all to forgive, not for others but for yourself.

Forgiveness is not something new; we all know it and have probably heard of it.

What is it?

Some of you will say that it is to forgive and forget. You are right. We all say this: forgive and forget the matter. I happened to read one of the books called "Forgive and forget," where the author says, "“If you forget, you will not forgive at all.” This was the point that attracted me to the book. As I looked deep into it, I came across one thing that made me admire the word "forgive." The author says, "“Forgetting, in fact, may be a dangerous way to escape the inner surgery of the heart that we call forgiving.” For today, I will stop here only on this book because I am planning to put some of the most beautiful truths about forgiveness that will transform our outlook on forgiveness and, hence, our lives too.

Today, I'll begin with the definition of forgiveness.

Merriem-Webster online English dictionary defines the word forgive as "to cease to feel resentment against (an offender).

So from the definition, we can say that at least two people (it applies to the physical me and the inner me) are involved in being hurt, and this hurt brings us to a crisis of forgiveness. The tyranny of this story is that the incident that hurt me might appear insignificant and useless to others. This is where you will find all the sayings to forgive. What is the big deal? While they do not realise that the biggest deal is what makes no sense to you all.

Hurt is a subjective feeling. What seems neutral or insignificant might have some deep roots in my psyche, sending my nerves on a never-ending rumination. So, I request that my readers be empathetic and caring when we come across people who are hurt. If you cannot do anything, just be quiet and stand with them. They are capable enough to find a way out of this mess. Your non-judgmental attitude works miracles.

Key takeaways are:

1. Vest with empathy.

2. Wear the hat of non-judgmentalism and

3. Take your time to forgive, because forgiveness is not forgetting.


I would also like to request that you all post your suggestions and ideas as I develop my conceptualisation of peace.



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