Themed trot within

walking the lane 

so plain

I gain

understanding profane

indulging, not in vain,

in a dialogue plain

that can stain

our soul within

dipped with a brush of disdain

which you often claim

in a victim bane.

shake off and be clean

of tenets of taint

brewing rum of pain

befalling you to regain

conscious brain

having power to drain

all tardive giants

whom fathoming seems faint.

you're the prized frame

you're the sky we dream

you're the victory we claim

for with you blessings rain

and, from them,  i just can't refrain

so i choose to unchain

all my cognitive trains

allowing ev'ry flexibility grains

that has potential to bargain

pre-eminence once again.


never, never, never

ever believe the suphur rain

burning your soul within

for time will not linger again

sprinkling opportunity reign

pull on the Cinderella gown

visit the princes lawn

drop your sandal at dawn

so that he could follow you alone

wiping away all the mourns.

(c)Water droplet


‘This post is part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge’ and hyperlink to

Image credit: Emma Gosset on pixabay

Inspirational image:


  1. Loved the Cinderella analogy! Beautiful poem

  2. We all want to be cindrella. and let the mourning vanish. Well rhymed.

  3. True. I always want. Thank You.


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