Newness in nature


the hour when wears 

the coat of winter

steals the soul of cheers

compelling me to deter

all that looked better

shutting the doors

that were my dream chores;

shattering my hopes

woven in the achievement loops

as favor chose to stoop

clouds of ebony creeps in

golden arms of life weeps within

as the silver lining fades to the dark den

while the coo of shackles of pain hymn

the melody that pierces the heart's realm.

the courts of life

feels the strain of knife

as if missing the romance of wife

who provides the ocean to dive

and be once again alive

spraying the colors of life

as the spring arrives

tearing the negative vibes

icing with positive drives

creating a colony of hopeful tribes

so lose not your hope to live

but seek for the spring to believe

the miracles the colors weave

on the face of infirmities we grieve

transforming you into a resilient hive.

source of support 

spiring you're the passport

to the world of cheery rapport; 

a key to the cruise export

heading to the island of glee port.

(c)Water droplet


‘This post is part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge’ and hyperlink to

Inspirational image:

Image credit: Bells Mayer on unsplash


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