Guiding light

savour of selfishness
tastes not the tongues of trees
who bear fruits
so that others to feed

grip of egomania
fails to pierce the souls of
falling waterfalls
where perched heart sighs relief

the golden glow
every morning we saw
only knew
how bring smile to you

and the falling dew
had only one calling to renew
though i am a tiny glistening hue
i have within me, the life saving brew

allowing others to grow
as i nurture there roots below
so that you could know
the true value, you owe

and so i forget not to glow
even thought life seems to blow
I choose to light my hollow
so that others could follow.

(c)water droplet

‘This post is part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge’ and hyperlink to

Inspirational Image:
Image credit: Marion Wellmann by pixabay



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