Door unseen


the pages white

holds knowledge bright

keeping us tight

all the way thru the delight

for the paint on white

has the silvery light

chasing away the fright

born of lacking insight.

allow the oval window

to achieve its crescendo

reaping the true credo

as your soul undo

weaving path elite

on pages polite

where country invite

wisdom that unite

the pages white

stands upright

with tall neck in sight

and salvaging soul's insight

knowledge is treasure

nothing can measure

often bringing pleasure

when we learn to walk sans pressure.

often pages white

doesn't seems right

but holds doors unseen, outright

to bring you to the spotlight

so take a ride

do not hide

but take pride

in its every side.

(c)Water droplet


‘This post is part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge’ and hyperlink to

Inspirational image:

Image credit: Laura Kapfer on unsplash


  1. knowledge is treasure
    nothing can measure
    often bringing pleasure
    when we learn to walk sans pressure.

    So motivating!!!!


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