
How you see the pain of experience?

For years, I have drawn strength from this quote from Thomas Edison "I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." One-time failure and the second-time failure you can keep encouraging yourselves with this quote. But, over time when nothing was working as I had planned; voices within me started becoming louder and louder. This point is the real challenge when your ways have not worked. What you do at this moment and how far you can tolerate this situation decides your destiny.      I remember days when my heart would say now I can tolerate no more. It was wise to be in the comfort zone, at least my basic needs would have been met. The rumbling is quite right but if I had turned back to my comfort zone thinking it was too much and unbearable, I would have missed the experiences that were about to be born that would lead me to my destiny.      When the hardships of life press, indefinitely, our mind gets clogged with the negative notions that prevail ar

Five limbs of our decision

We all have been in a situation where we feel lost or our decision seemed to be wrong. This is the point when our life's challenges seem raging and I feel drowning. What to do then? In such a situation only two options are left: either decide to put my oars and start paddling like a crazy monkey searching for food or decide to plan beforehand and be prepared to meet the challenges. To our surprise, this emergency insightful planning is always there with us, but in our subconscious mind, which evaluates everything beforehand and keeps us ready to meet the challenges. Let us consider this situation,  somebody throws a ball at us, and immediately, our hands rise and catch the ball so that I am not hurt. Similarly, when I fail to do homework I always have an excuse in my mind before I face my teacher. Isn't it? These all are our subconscious mapping. I have projected this issue so that we all can now tap this subconscious power, consciously and avail its tremendous benefits to make

Essentials of a decision

 Having discussed the quintessence of decisions in our lives, I want to introduce you to the real drill. To make a decision we need to have these three essentials: 1) What things mean to me?  (value addition; Thinking) 2) What to focus on?  (Seeing; perception) 3) What do I do to create the results I desire? (action) So, we see a decision consists of thinking, seeing and acting. A decision will not be complete if we have thought about it and added value to it. It needs the focus, the seeing part and after seeing it I need to act to materialise my decision. About focus, I have discussed in my first post in detail. Let's now dive into the next step.  Now, allow me to carry you to the chapter on value addition. Why is it important in a decision-making process? This is well explained by Victor Harold Vroom , a Canadian psychologist and business school professor, in his expectancy theory . This theory is well represented by this equation: MF= Expectancy X Instrumentality X Valance Here,

Our decisions

 When I started reading this topic, I was drawn to my good old days when I was learning to make decisions and I was full of anxiety and fear of an uncertain future. But, today I stand tall after making the decisions my own way. This standing tall is necessary to reach to our destiny. If I had failed to take those decisions in the past I would have never seen the days I loved and lived.  As a teenager, I did not know how to make a decision. So many rumbling rounds used to take place in my head failing me to reach upto a point because I feared failure. I never wanted to be in a position to decide but I always landed up in a place where I had to choose one out of many. Those days were really tough, but over the years I learned something that became a treasure for me. This treasure I will share now with you all through this conversation from an anonymous author: "Sir, what is the secret of your success?" the reporter asked a bank president. The response was, "Two words Sir.&


In this season waiting for a half marathon, I was thinking of making it more meaningful and grand. So, I was looking through my bookshelf to find the right pick of book that I could share with you all that would make our lives more meaningful. It took me a while but I finally landed on the book which is most needed for me at this point in time. This book can change our lives. So, as I keep adding topics to my list the surprises will keep popping up. The topic I will be discussing today is not part of the book but I feel this subject matter will prepare us to receive the contents of this book beautifully. Thus, to pave this learning and growth together,  I request you all to take a look at this image below and tell me which line is bigger red or green?  I can hear murmurs that the red line is bigger than the green line. Let us view it with a different lens. Now, what is your answer? Yes, both the lines are of the same length but the way they are presented made it look bigger. This is th

This you just can't ignore

This was the long-awaited post on my part. I was busy with A2Z and my own works, so it got delayed but in order to honor this, I share this goodness. I will begin with this quote:  "Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people." Karen Salmonsohn The loads of kindness and goodness are always less than the burdens of unkindness and soreness we face. These bitterness make us worst and worst, stealing our true selves. None of us wants to be bad, but past experiences always stop us from doing good. There was a time in my life when I thought I did not see any goodness happening around me, or, let me probably put it this way, I failed to acknowledge the goodness that was happening around me, because my eyes were stuck on the wrong done to me. Amidst all this engulfing bitterness, there was one day that caught my attention the most. That was the day when goodness was out loud and would not allow the evil to steal the peace anymore.  I have been in this situation many time

Yoke of disciple-Power to infinite self

As I was looking to end my quest for inner self, I landed on the book "Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power."  In this book, it talks about attaining spiritual growth, which shows the wave-like motion of excited energy followed by resting energy. Inspiration from hymns, sermons, or books is borrowed. Elevating oneself demands discipline and continuous self-improvement. Achievement isn't finite; embracing the infinite self is ongoing, sustaining higher levels endlessly. This perpetual journey ensures sustained growth, nurturing the self indefinitely at elevated states. So in this section, I will talk about discipline. Discipline gives you real power. a) Know yourself The chapter of discipline was difficult for me, but that made me discover myself best. My life became better when I started to know myself better than others knew me. This discipline was necessary. As a child, I remember spending time in bed doing nothing for a long and I used to like that